Religious Government
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See more on "Religious Government" on the YouTube channel: The Devil Is Forgiven
"Religious Government"
written by Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr.
“All religions were created by God (Genesis 11:1-9). All religions teach the same laws for government to be in.”
"The Greater the king is, the greater the servant they are." Matthew 23:11
“All religions were created by God (Genesis 11:1-9). All religions teach the same laws for governments to be in. It is the governments job to take care of the needs of the people and live in religious laws (Matthew 23:11). Religion teaches that the people are supposed to be living full lives (John 10:10).”
The population of the world is mainly religious. All governments must live in religious law, because what does the God of their religion teach...
1. "Ending Satanism" (Ezra 7:26, 1Corinthians 8:13). Bring laws to end Satanism. People can bring healing to evil people. People become helpers to the evil that Satanism/Devil worship promotes, to the crimes Satanist do by allowing Satanism/Devil Worship. They will try to use the excuse of "Freedom Of Religion" to allow Satanism/Devil Worship, but it is not religion when they teach to do crime and evil, it is terrorism, it is criminal acts, it is creating crime. Religion teaches to end evil. The definition of Satan or the Devil is a representation of evil. We can not allow Satanism/Devil Worship. They will try to say "it is freedom of speech" to allow Satanism/Devil worship, but freedom of speech is not allowed when teaching evil and crime, that is creating crime. It is not religion or freedom of speech to teach evil and teach crime, it is working in ways of terror, it is helping to commit crime.
We must bring a 'world forgiveness day' where any acts of Satanism/Devil worship is forgiven and the people are free to go from their worship of Satan/Satanism/Devil worship before the date the law is passed to end Satanism/Devil Worship with no criminal charge, but after the date the law is passed someone could be arrested for practicing in Satanism/worshipping Satan/Devil worship, with criminal charges.
It is actually a sin for government to allow Satanism, meaning the government's that allow Satanism are sinning. Some evil people will try to use freedom of speech as the law to allow Satanism in some countries. In a country like America, we must remember that the American constitution was written by Christians, so the law is freedom of speech abiding by Christianity, meaning Satanism is not allowed. Freedom of speech was written in many countries, but it was written by religious people, meaning freedom of speech, but under religious law, because the law makers are not going to go against their religion, meaning Satanism is not allowed, and freedom of speech is abiding by religious law.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to end Satanism and evil worships in your country.
Click, or copy and paste the address below and place it in the address bar.
2. "Ending sorcery" (Galatians 5:1, Ezekiel 13:17-23). Bring laws to end sorcery. Governments can bring a 'world forgiveness day' where any act of sorcery before the date the law to end sorcery is passed is forgiven and the people are free to go from their crime, but any act of sorcery after the date the law is passed the sorcerer could get arrested with criminal charges. The law should not go against working in ways of spiritual powers for the good, because religious law allows good powers of the mind and good spiritual powers of healing, powers of the mind to create fun and miracles. The Holy Bible says we can do greater things than Jesus (John 14:12).
SIGN THE PEITION: "Help Bring Laws To End Sorcery". Click or copy and paste address below to address bar to sign the petition. Thank you.
3. "Ending wars." All religions and countries are from God, so there should be no wars between countries (Genesis 11:1-9). With all world leaders believing in God of the good, there should be no wars between countries, because all the world leaders believe in God of the good.
4 ."Teaching world salvation from the government." The Devil is forgiven, all evil is forgiven according to religion (2Corinthians 2:10, Hosea 2:23). Teaching Satan and all evil is forgiven from the government to change evil to being good and go live in full life's as good people (John 10:10) can help end a lot of evil.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to teach scripture and salvation and forgiveness from the government in your country. Copy and paste the address below into the address bar to sign petition.
5."Ending taxes (James 5:4 / Luke 23:2)." There does not need to be taxes, when the government can just print money out for the needs of earth and people. The world is built up where we do not need taxes because we can just print out money for the needs of the world and for government employees, disabled and retired people. Taxes do go against religious law because it takes from the poor (Proverbs 6:30). Taxes goes against the ownership of what the owner paid for because government is taxing it which goes against religious law (Leviticus 25:35- 36). When when it comes to property in some countries people do not have full ownership of their property because of property taxes, likewise with taking from the money we have earned through work by taxing our wages we earn (Proverb 3:27). Tax collectors were sinners in the Holy Bible (Luke 18:13). Taxes must end, but if people want to give money to the government to help the world then they can give a donation. Since taxes go against the word of God, the government would be sinning to make people pay taxes.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to end taxes in your country. Copy and paste the address below into the address bar to sign petition.
6. "Free electricity and free water" paid for by government funding (Matthew 23:11, Luke 22:26, Luke 7:34-35, Isaiah 49:15). People are supposed to have their needs met (James 2:16, James 5:4, John 10:10), and it is the governments job to make sure the needs of the people are met (Matthew 23:11), and this can be done by just printing money so that the electrical and water companies can keep running away from using taxes." It is a sin to make people pay taxes.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to bring free electricity and water to your country. Click or copy and paste address below and place into address bar to sign the petition.
7. "More time off for workers." God requires an equal balance. (Ezekiel 45:17-25, Proverb 11:1, Amos 8:5-6, Amos 9:13-15, Luke 22:26, Matthew 23:11, Matthew 20:26, Isaiah 45:19, John 10:10). The government must think of a way to where people can have more time off of work, so people can live full lives like God teaches (John 10:10). Since we are not living full lives with most our life being used for work, many people feel enslaved. (More teachings for "More Time Off For Workers" below.)
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to bring "More Time Off For Workers" into your country. Click or copy and paste address below to address bar to sign the petition. Thank you.
8. "More money for workers." John 10:10 Writing an extra check for workers for working, but not from taxes, but from the government printing money out for people. If you work you get your check from work, and an extra check from the government every month you work (James 2:16, James 5:4), and this is not from taxes, but from printing money out for people who work so that they can live in full (John 10:10. God says, the people are supposed to live in full lives, but because of lack of money people are not living full lives. Poor workers do not have very good lives and many people feel enslaved. (More teaching for "More Money For Workers" below.)
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring "More Money For Workers" to your country. Click or copy and paste address below to address to sign the petition. Thank you.
9. "Healing can come to the homosexuals" (1Corinthians 6:9-10). It is not good to be
against the homosexual, but it is good to bring them healing, so that they can change from what is not right with the way earth was made. With science and God, men and women are only supposed to be together, that is why only men and women can make babies. With spiritual powers and mind powers, we have the power to heal homosexuality and transgenders (Matthew 9:35 to Philippians 2:5, John14:12). We must bring healing to homosexuals from the government.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to bring healing to homosexuals from the government in your country. Click or copy and paste address below to address bar to sign the petition: Thank you.
10. "Free medical, dental, and veterinary" paid for by government funding (James 2:16, Matthew 23:11, Isaiah 49:15, Luke 22:26, Luke 11:10). People are suppose to have their needs met, that is the religious word. We can not have people and animals not getting the medical they need because they cannot afford it. The government is supposed to take care of the needs of the people (Matthew 23:11), so doctor, dental, and veterinary bill should be paid for by the government. With taxes being against the religious word, money can easily be printed or deposited into bank account for doctor, dental, and veterinary bills.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to bring free medical, dental, and veterinary to your country. Click or copy and paste address below to your address bar to sign the petition. Thank you.
11. "Free bus, train, and subway" paid for by government funding (Matthew 23:11, Luke 22:26, Matthew 23:25). The government is supposed to take care of the needs of the people (Matthew 23:11). People need to get back and forth to work, people need to be allowed to get out into the world and live. This can all be paid away from taxes, because religion teaches that you are not supposed to pay taxes, it can be paid from the government printing money to have free bus, train and subway.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to your country for free bus, train, and subway. Click or copy and paste address to address bar to sign the petition. Thank you.
12. "Drugs are not sin, and are not crime" (Proverbs 31:6-7, 1Timothy 5:23, Luke 7:34-35, Matthew 11:19). Having drugs not a crime, can end a lot of crime, and take the criminal mentality out of the drug world. Remember, Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding party (John 2:1-10). Alcohol is an example of a drug. God did give us all the plants to use: marijuana, cocaine, heroin all come from plants. (Genesis 1:29). Some countries have it where drugs are not crime, which reduces the rate of crime. Since the Holy Bible allows drugs it would be a sin to have drugs a crime, meaning government's are sinning to go against drugs.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to decriminalize drugs in your country. Click or copy and paste address and place in address bar sign the petition. Thank you.
13. "Background checks are sin" (Hebrew 1:3). We cannot have the criminal background checks for job employment and immigration, it can suppress people into more crime, because they cannot get work, because the government is allowing background checks. People are suppressing people into crime, creating crime. Countries government are stealing that someone might find God in their country by allowing background checks for immigration. They are also stealing God's world away from his people, because God forgives all and all his people must live life in full (John 10:10) and appreciate God allowing rebirth so that the former sinner can see the world like God allows the former sinner because God gave the Earth to his people, and many former sinners are God's people. God’s word teaches forgiveness and rebirth with your sins blotted out and forgotten (Isaiah 43:25 / Isaiah 44:22). Since God blotted out everyone's sins it would be a sin to bring up someone's past sins because God blotted them out. Since the Holy Bible is against background checks, the governments are sinning to allow background checks. Background checks will help the sinner go to more sin because that is where they feel welcomed by other sinners instead of growing good with the good people because background checks keep putting sin into their mind. Background checks help create crime because background checks make it to where people think they cannot go good because crime is the only way they can survive because they weren't given an equal opportunity. (More teachings for "Ending Suppression Into Crime" and "Background Checks Are Sin" below.)
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to to 'End Suppression Into Crime" into your country.
Click or copy and paste address below to address bar to sign the petition. Thank you.
14. "Prostitution is not sin and not crime." (Genesis 38:11-18 / Joshua 2:1) In the Holy Bible in Genesis 38:11-18 it teaches of a prophet who slept with a prostitute and he even calls her more righteous than him. Genesis 38:11-18 is also a teaching of needing to be a good person to be a prostitute, and to not allow evil prostitutes. When the Holy Bible speaks to end prostitution, it is talking about evil prostitutes not the good ones and the prostitution of souls. To have prostitution a crime goes against the word of God which is a sin, because the Holy Bible allows prostitutes.
15. "Teaching the truth of the Holy Spirit." The spirit has the power to do the impossible (Mark 9:23, Matthew 19:56). Jesus teaches that people can do greater works than Jesus, people have the power to use powers of the mind/spiritual powers to heal, make happiness, have fun, perform miracles and more (John 14:12, Philippians 4:13), but we must learn the ways that God allows us to have. Through religion we have the power over all evil (Romans 16:20, Hebrew 13:6), because that is what God gives us.
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to teach truth of the Holy Spirit from the government in your country. Click or copy and paste address below to address bar to sign the petition. Thank you.
16. "The Holy Bible allows abortion" (Numbers 5:27NIV). God allows abortion for when a child should not be born. Some people are not ready to have children and abortion becomes a savior to stop a kid from being born into a bad life. Abortion becomes salvation for when the parents do not want to have a child. Some parents do not want to be together, so abortion becomes a salvation for those parents.
Help Create A Holiday For God: Sign The Petition
SIGN THE PETITION: to bring laws to "CREATE A HOLIDAY FOR GOD" in your country. Click or copy and paste address below to address bar to sign the petition: Thank you.
"More Money For Workers"
By Paiboon Sunthonchart
“Today, I worked a half hour for family size bag of chips. Then I worked 30 minutes for a twelve pack of soda. Then I worked an hour for four cans of food. An hour of work went to buying a salad at a restaurant. Another hour paid for my gas to drive to and from work for one day. Another hour went to buying breakfast. One hour went to buying seven candy bars. Another hour went to buying two frozen pasta dinners, and a frozen bean burrito. 30 minutes went to buying bread and vegetarian sandwich stuff. 30 minutes went to buying a frozen cheese pizza, and that was my eight hour day. Tomorrow, I will work for more food and money for gas. Then the next day I will work for more food and rent, then the day after that I work to pay off my rent, likewise with the day after that, with also gas money, will be days I work. For almost three weeks I will work for rent money, and electricity, water and phone, with also food money being worked in,” said the man living on minimum wage.
“If I drive my truck to work, one hour of my day goes for gas,” said a women working on low paying
“If I take my family to the movies, I will have to work one full day at work, and if we go to have
salads before then popcorn and soda at the movies, I will have to work two days of my weekly check”
“I feel enslaved into how society is made” … “My life is only for work”… “I cannot afford to give my children all their needs” … “All I do is work, and I have nothing to show for it”… will be some quotes from the world of working today.
People will not have much money for life’s enjoyment within the low-income employment of today. Gasoline, for 3 gallons, will cost about an hour of one days work, though for some who need more than 3 gallons, will pay even more do to driving far in the normal rush hour traffic of towns and cities for work. The working profit is not being seen by the poor working-class people of the world, some working class people do not have enough money for fun and freedom away from their employment, but with the future and the present of today: the government can just print money for the people who work…
… Most countries in the world, are built from: in God we trust…one nation under God… Everycountry will have a mainly religious population. God’s words will teach, that the greater the king the greater the servant (Matthew 23:11). God’s words, from Jewish, Buddhist to Christian, to Muslim, along with all religions of the good will teach of giving to the poor, and taking care of people when you can, along with people are supposed to be living full lives (John 10:10). It is the workers that are making the world go around, and at sometimes under suppression, but because of the building up in society, workers can have in plenty for their full aspect of life, to even where the businesses make good profits, because more money is being given to the world because: GOVERNMENTS CAN PRINT MONEY FOR PEOPLE WHO WORK.
Governments can write a monthly check and give the people money on top of their hourly/salary wages, money printed from the government and given to the people that they will get along with their work wages that they have earned. So the people will get the money they earn from work, plus a bonus amount of money from the government, but they only get this extra money from the government if they are working. It will be a monthly check or deposit in bank accounts from the government, every month the person is working. If the person does not work that month, then the person does not get the check or deposit of money from the government. This law will help bring businesses more money, real estate more money, it will bring much more to most every aspect of the economy, because people are given extra money to spend.
People will be able to buy more product, meaning businesses will sale more because the people will have more money. This law will bring real estate more money, because people will be able to afford to buy a home, or have two places because they are renting an extra apartment or room somewhere. More jobs will be created because there is being more money spent because people have more money. The importance of this idea is to keep the workers happy, because the workers need to feel like they can live, and must be away from the pains of feeling enslaved. This check or deposit of money is to be printed for people who work along with their work wages, but not printed from taxes, because there does not need to be taxes with the government being able to print money. The Holy Bible teaches we are not supposed to have taxes, the law is supposed to be where we have no taxes (James 5:4 / Matthew 23:11)…
With the government being able to print money out to fix roads, or pay government
employees, or give the world their needs, there does not need to be taxes anymore. Inflation does not
need to have a meaning with these ideas. Making this law can help end a lot of crime also because it can help people stop stealing because they are making enough money to where they will not want to steal, it can also help stop the crime of people breaking into businesses and houses where people can get killed and it can help stop murders for money: those deaths can be stopped because people will have enough money to do those crimes.
Laws of bringing people more money would lead to billions of people being more happy, because they have enough money to live.
"More Time Off For Workers"
By Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr.
We must look at the pains in the working world, from people supporting families, to people trying to support their lives, while living on very little wages for many. Along with the working days for one week that could last up to six days, with very little time for living outside of work, their life is devoted to work instead of living: living becomes to work instead of life and family. Many working families do not have family relationships, because p people are too busy working to have a family relationship, people are too busy working to have times with their children, son or daughter, or wife and husband.
People’s health becomes negatively affected do to not having enough time to take care of themselves and exercise, because five to six days of the week, their life is devoted toward living for work. God’s words call for an equal balance in Proverb 11:1 and Matthew chapter 23, but there is not a balance toward life, only a balance to work, to where many people feel enslaved to working. A true equal balance for work, like written in religions, would be about 182 days off of work a year (Proverb 11:1).
People need more time off from work to live. People need more time off from work for their health. People needs more time off from work for fun. People need more time off from work to see things and experience things. People need more time off from work for new moments in their life. People need more time off from work to be with their families and friends.
A system can be made where a person can work 8-10 hour days inside of a 14 day schedule, then have 6 days off within the 14 day schedule, so a person will still get their 80 hours of work for two weeks, but have more time off, and the worker has the right to set up their schedule the way they want it, as long as they are getting their 80 hours per two weeks. So maybe a person will work 5 days then get two days off then work 3 days and get 4 days off: this law allows the employee to set up their schedule, someone could work six days in a row, then take one day off, then work 2 days in a row, then get 5 days off for their schedule that they might set up, as long as they are getting their 80 hours for their two weeks, 14 days. This is just one idea that people could make, there will be more ideas that people come up with to have more time off from work, whatever idea the people choose is what they choose, but the people need to come up with an idea so that people can have more time off from work and live. God worked six days a week so that humans can have an equal balance of work and time for living their life (Proverb 11:1). We are supposed to be living life in full, but people are not living full lives when all they do is work (John 10:10).
Laws where people have more time off from work could lead into billions of happier people, so the employee can live life in full…
See more on "Religious Government" on the YouTube channel: The Devil Is Forgiven
By Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr.
We cannot suppress people into more crime, or we are accomplice to more crimes. We cannot suppress people into more crime, or we are helping to create crime. We cannot suppress people into more crime, or we are helping to create evil, and we become accomplice to evil, because people do not have equal rights.
We must not allow criminal background checks for employment, because it helps to create a form of racism against someone who could do a lot of good in the world, and it helps to suppress people into more crime and evil, because they are not given another chance. We live in a world where the majority people believe in God. Well the majority of religions and God’s forgive, and allows someone to rebirth. But with the way some laws are in some countries, the law is forcing people back into crime, because people are not given the chance to work after they have rehabilitated and have served their time for the crimes of their past. When people are not given the chance to go good and rebirth away from evil, then they are being forced into doing more crime and doing evil because they have to
There is much truth in the world of former criminals turning good and finding God and doing much good in the world. A big majority of criminals do find God and religion after crime and rebirth away from evil. But with laws allowing background checks for crimes, people are not allowing someone to rebirth into the good, people are forcing people back into crime and evil, because they are not given the chance to go good and work because people are holding their past against them. So people and laws are accomplice to crime, and creating evil because they are not giving people another chance to work, rebirth and be good. People are going against the laws of religions and going against the laws of God by asking for criminal background checks, because it does not allow someone to rebirth and go good. These laws of criminal background checks are creating crime and evil, and people who support those laws are helping to create crime and evil, by the suppression and racism created by these types of laws of asking for criminal background checks for employment.
By ending the suppression and racism against former criminals by not allowing criminal
background checks on people for employment, people will be helping to end crime, people will be helping to end evil, people will be helping to create goodness in the world and helping to bring life into the world.
This petition is to create the law to end criminal background checks for employment in your town, city, province, state or country. Sign the petition to end criminal background checks and help create equal-rights, and help end crime and evil in your town, city, province, state or country. Thank you.
Think of all the evil and crime that we can help end by not suppressing someone into crime and allowing them to work.
“Background Checks Are Sin”
by Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr.
Background checks help create crime and sin, because background checks allow people to see the past crimes that someone has done, which can stop a former criminal from getting work, helping the former sinner/criminal back into the world of crime because they need money to survive. Background checks are stopping people from getting work and what happens when a formal sinner can’t get work? They go back into crime because they need to survive.
- Background checks go against the word of God because the word of God allows someone to be forgiven, and have rebirth. But background checks can stop that rebirth, instead of allowing someone to rebirth, because the background checks keep putting it into the former criminal’s mind that they are criminals. Governments are sinning to allow background checks, because background checks go against the word of God. Governments are sinning to do background checks.
Buddha teaches “that we are a new man everyday.” Meaning we can be reborn new every day we are alive, meaning the former criminal can be without sin, because they have become a new man. Governments are sinning by allowing criminal background checks, because background checks are bringing up the past sins someone, instead of allowing people to be reborn like Buddha teaches. All major religions teach of God blotting out sins, and remembering people’s sins no longer. So God allows us to be new, and rebirth, but background checks help stop rebirth because they keep putting the past sins in the mind of a criminal so they cannot rebirth in full.
- It is a dangerous game to keep putting the past sins or crimes into the head of a former sinner or criminal. It is unhealthy for the former criminal to have their past crimes put in their heads. It will help create sin and crime. It is not good for a former criminal’s mental health to have it put in their head that they are a criminal, it will not allow them to rebirth, when God teaches everyone he allows forgiveness and rebirth with your sins blotted out and forgotten.
- There are many repeat offenders for crimes because they could not find work due to criminal background checks.
- God teaches that all are to be equal, so it is sin to have background checks because God’s people are not treated equal with background checks, making it hard to find work, forcing some criminals back into crime so that they can have money to survive
- Background checks go against God’s word of forgiving and forgetting someone’s sins, because we did not forget their sins with background checks that are helping push people back into sins, because they do not feel welcomed by good people because they are labeled a criminal.
- It is almost like the government is trying to create evil by allowing background checks, background checks that help push people back into sin.
- What is the purpose of having background check when God teaches forgiveness and rebirth, and they help stop God’s forgiveness? If you are religious people, then you would be sinning to have background checks, because they go against the law of God.
- If a former criminal cannot find work, because they are labeled a criminal or sinner, where is that person most likely to go so they can survive? Back into more sin and crime so that they can get money to survive because the background checks is stopping their rebirth with God and into the good people.
- If people are not given an equal chance this can help push the former criminal back into the crowd of other criminals because that is the place where they feel comfortable. This helps evil build a network up with other criminals instead of building with the good people because they do not feel accepted by good people. If we force criminals to other criminals this only helps to create more crime and helps build up groups of evil people to work together which could lead into many crimes.
- According to religion background checks are sin, meaning governments are sinning to have background checks, because they go against the word of God.
- In the truth of the world, governments are helping to create sin and crime by allowing background checks, because they do help stop former criminals from getting work.
- Background checks for immigration are also against the word of God because God blots out all sins/crimes from someone’s life, so that they can rebirth. If the former criminal, keeps having their former crimes pump into their head, then we are helping stopping their rebirth. God will blot and remember sins/crimes no more, so humans are not allowed to bring up past sins/crimes because God has blotted them out. Do you not think God
- All Gods of major religions allow the former sinner, the former criminal, to live in full lives after rebirth. But because they have a background check that will discriminate against them, they cannot live full lives, and rebirth. God teaches that he wants salvation brought from all lands of the world, but if governments are doing background checks to enter that country, they stop that salvation from coming from your land. God of all religions allows forgiveness and rebirth.
- When dealing with background checks for immigration, we are not too judge, where people can go, because God may want to find former sinners in all lands and bring salvation to people from all lands. People cannot stop God from bringing salvation and forgiveness from their lands because it goes against the word of God, because God has blotted out all sins, but background checks help stop rebirth. God would want to bring salvation and forgiveness from all lands.
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