The Sorcery War
See more on "The Sorcery War" on the YouTube channel: The Devil Is Forgiven
"The Sorcery War"
Q: What is sorcery?
A: One answer in easy terms, mind powers that attack people: someone connecting to someone’s spirit, where possession, kidnap , and rape, and murder is taking place, where attacks created from the mind take place. This is done through sorcery connecting the people together for this evil of kidnap, rape, and murder. People have even connected sorcery to technology: tv, cars, computers, etc. using the power of their mind…
… Sorcery is the spirit of evil working with people to create the spirit of sorcery which will connect the mind, body and spirit together with the spirit, mind and body in another person, and this sorcery spirit of connecting humans and even animals can take place from your neighbors house to where you are, or even in countries miles apart from each other: foreigners from one country to another country can connect their minds, body and spirit to someone from the power of sorcery. This world is similar to entering a television, with two people (or more), bringing their mind, body and spirit into that television that has connected the people, where the actions of imagination take place in reality, and the actions of evil can take place, such as rape, sorcery-possessions, assaults, murders. The world of sorcery is as simple as two people connecting their minds, then entering a room or world created by imagination, where the actions from the mind can take place. It is the same as two people meeting in a dream, but these two people are meeting in during the times of being awake from connecting their minds together.
"Sorcerer Terrorism"
Written by Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr.
“Sorcerer Terrorism” is attacking the world in major attacks world-wide. Sorcery and sorcerers are kidnappers, rapist, murderers and more. Sorcerers work in ways of terror for control within computers and televisions, to cars, etc., and even murder through their powers of sorcery, from the power of their mind. The sorcerer-terrorist is working in all lands. Sorcery gangs and sorcery terrorist groups have started practicing in sorcery amongst good people in public. A sorcery-network gang will have people all connected together within their minds, under a leader, these sorcery networks will work in ways so that people can attack with other people connected to that gang.
Sorcery has been attacking the world in high numbers for many years now, but sorcery is not kept from truth of the world. Sorcery and sorcerers have been written about in the Bible along with many other religious books, books of witchcraft and Satanic books, and hospital records, and more. These gangs are not in complete silence from reality: In The Gambia the Witch Hunt of 2009, 1000’s were arrested for practicing as sorcerers. The Gambia, Saudi Arabia and UAE government’s has had a war on witchcraft/sorcery for years, which has been seen in the news. The people who will have sorcery-networks, sorcery gangs, will rape and murder and do many more attacks, but also be looking to control people through the power of sorcery, similar to someone playing God over people and trying to control their thoughts or where they are going to go and what are they going to do. Many people from government to public are entrapped by the sorcerers or under a form of possession from the sorcerers. The sorcerers will pose as government authority to play authority over men and women, even when they do not work for the government, but saying they are government trying to form a sorcery-network over public, and this is happening world-wide in many countries. There is already at least one group of sorcerers that have formed an army world-wide in every country that could be as big as 100’s of millions of people in their army in a form of Armageddon that are bringing threats to governments throughout the world, and threats to public while posing as government, but not being government.
The sorcerers will make a person go bald, the sorcerers will age someone, the sorcerers will give someone cancers and sicknesses, heart attacks and more to murder someone, and the sorcerers are bringing these threats and attacks to public, entertainment stars, sports stars, businesses, government officials and governments world-wide to put the fear in people to make someone bow to their sorcery powers so that the people bowing do what the sorcerer tells them to do. The sorcerers have killed people in public, the sorcerers have killed famous people: entertainment and sport stars (some reports say that most of the wrestling stars in the entertainment world in America that have died has been killed by sorcerers), and the sorcerers have killed police officers and government officials and animals and more, and this is happening world-wide.
The sorcerers are bringing threats of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunami's and more to the world. The sorcerers are even bringing threats of war: bringing their guns to the streets for civil war in countries throughout the world if the governments oppose the sorcerers. In America about 15% of the American population said no to religion, that could be about 49.5 million people who could go to war in America, that could be a scary thing since many of the good people are already bowing down in fear to the power of the sorcerers. There are a lot of Satanist in the world. The world has Satanic websites, Satanic chat-room's, Satanic music, Satanic churches, Satanic clubs and groups. There are millions of Satanic rock and Satanic rap albums sold in the world today, there are millions of books for Satanism, sorcery and witchcraft sold in the world today: so civil-war in many countries could be a scary thing since many of the good people of the world are bowing down in fear to the sorcery powers of the sorcerers. It could be a war against a lot of people, a war where the good people could lose in many countries, since many of the good people are already bowing down afraid to the powers of the sorcerers.
We need everyone to write governors, senators, news, mayors, police, prime ministers, congress, presidents, leaders, emperors and more to bring laws to end Satanism and sorcery. We need everyone to bring a movement to end sorcery from petitions to change laws, and peaceful protesting to end sorcery, to healing the sorcerers and healing all the evil people in the world to save the world (Revelation 19:19-21 & 21:1-7) using the powers of mind and spirit (John 14:12). We need healing where-ever evil may be, from public to government, to animals in the ocean, to animals on land and in the sky, all evil must be healed.
Government officials are doing a good job showing that they do not side with sorcery and evil with their promotions of religion from the government, and with their belief's being religious, the majority of government officials around the world claim a religion. Many government officials do promote good and promote ending crime and support charities, they help build militaries to stop evil-terrorism and crime. Many government officials help send aid to countries in need, government officials also fund the police to stop crime and end evil. Major businesses are doing their part to end evil world-wide with their promotions of Christmas, a Christian holiday and their promotions of religion. Christianity is a religion that preaches strongly to end sorcery. Many countries businesses throughout the countries of the world promote religion showing they side with good over evil, and many of those businesses support charities. Many of the rich people of the world show that they do not side with evil with their promotions of religion and good, and their works with charities. Royal families will show the world that they side with the good with their promotions of religion, good and their works for humanity. News in the countries of the world is doing good showing that they do not side with evil with their news of ending corruption and ending crime. The entertainment world in the countries of the world is doing good to show that they do not side with evil with their promotions of religion, love, super heroes, ending corruption and ending crime. A lot of these news, entertainment world, and government promoting the good are also under attack by the army of sorcerers in 'The Sorcery War', and many of them may need the people to save them from the sorcerers.
The Holy Bible and other religions does allow good spiritual powers from using powers of the mind/spiritual powers to heal, make people happy, perform miracles, and even fly as our own flesh, and more (John 14:12), but sorcerers use their powers for evil, and the people must end the evil ways of the sorcerers. It becomes up to the public to bring an ending to evil with healing, and healing all the minds of the evil (Revelation 21:1-7), so everyone can be saved and we can all live full lives (John 10:10). People do have the power to save souls, and turn evil people into good people (John 14:12). The Holy Bible like all the major religions does forgive and bring salvation to the sorcerers and all evil, so the sorcerers and evil people can change from being evil and live full lives (2Corinthians 2:10 / John 10:10).
"Freedom With The Word"
Written by Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr.
A man had just worked another day in his normal labor. Eating out had delayed him an hour and a half, but he still got home just in time to watch his favorite show...Twenty-three minutes into his show it was interrupted by this emergency breaking news bulletin...
…”The world is in war, sorcery is attacking the good in the world. The sorcery is a spirit in the world that evil has birthed into the world connecting minds and bodies working with sorcery connecting to the minds and bodies of other people. This is for the purposes of rape and kidnap, possession, assaults and murders of people through the connections the sorcerer has made. Sorcerers will break into the imaginations of people and connect to their thoughts in forms of possession and kidnap by these connections of sorcery. An example of an attack will be the sorcerers will be in their house, and connect to you sitting inside of your house, and become one with the sorcery for the purpose of rapes, murders, assaults, and more.
The sorcerers will be the worse sinners of the world today and many will have several rapes with their powers, and some will have murders. The sorcerers will have many kidnappings of minds through these connections, and also children will be attacked because the normal law is in form giving passing to the sorcerers, instead of attacking the sorcery, laws must come... The sorcerers are bringing threats to public and governments”…
Ideas to stop this sorcery?
“World Forgiveness Day”: Where any sorcery attacks after a certain date the law to end sorcery has passed, a person/sorcerer can be detained by the law, where any sorcery attacks before that date the law to end sorcery is passed, a person is free to go and cannot be detained by the law. Some states in America will work with lie detectors for crimes, working with lie detectors and witnesses can help end sorcery. Working in ways of Saudi Arabia’s, Gambia’s and United Arab Emirate's laws to stop sorcery will be the next good move to end this sorcery. This law does not go against working in ways of spiritual powers for the good, this law allows good spiritual powers of healing, fun and miracles.
God will also be a way out to escape this sorcery. God will teach that living in the word will allow people to live free from sorcery. If all people were to choose to live in God’s word, there would be no sorcery or evil in the world. People must come together to protest this sorcery and bring laws to end sorcery. Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and more already have laws to end sorcery. All countries need laws to end sorcery.
This sorcery-world isn't all the secret from society, in the medicine world of mental care, there are many cases where demons and sorcerers attack, bringing in truth of this sorcery, along with books on witchcraft and Satanic books, and religious books. God and the Bible does allow good mind powers/spiritual powers for healing, fun, performing miracles and more (John 14:12), but sorcerers use their powers for evil which must come to an end. People must come together with peace and healing to end the sorcery, and end evil worldwide. People must come together with peaceful protesting to end sorcery and petitions to make laws to end sorcery. It is the people's job to end evil, with healing and restoration (Revelation 19:19-21 & 21:1-7). People are given the power of Satan and all evil through God, people are given the power over the sorcerers through God (Romans 16:20 / Hebrew 13:6).
"Freedom With The Word" continued.
Scripture to help end sorcery...
1.1Thessalonians 4:11: Do not invade minds. Mind your own business and keep the privacy of people. Do not use telepathic sorcery to listen to thoughts.
2. Isaiah 19:9-10: Do not have networks of sorcery.
3. Ezekiel 13:17-23: Do not use sorcery connections or sorcery looks, to entrap people, or possess people.
4. 1Corinthians 8:1-13: Practicing in the world of sorcery is sin.
5. Mark 10:7-8: We are suppose to be one, not one with other peoples sorcery.
6. John 17:21-22: God wants all one with the HOLY SPIRIT, not sorcery.
7. Amos 3:3: You do not have to be connected to someone through sorcery powers.
8. Isaiah 47:9: Sorcery can end the lives and salvation of your family.
9. Proverb 24:14-16: Raiding into spirits and minds leads to disaster.
10. Leviticus 19:31: Do not rely on the mind-networker-sorcerers. Do not be in the middle of someone’s spirit, body or mind. Do not answer the thoughts of someone.
11. Job 42:7 / Hosea 7:7: Pray to God over sorcerer. Make your prayers to God, not sorcery.
12. 1John 3:15: Do not create hate to break someone down, to create hate is murder and sin.
13. Revelations 18:23: The world of sorcery can lead many astray.
14. Ecclesiastes 7:21: Do not listen to negative/evil in the mind of good people.
15. John 21:22: It is God's business where a soul must go, not man. All must go to God. Do not try to guide people around through sorcery.
16. Matthew 21:12-13: Do not practice in healing through sorcery. Use powers of spirit to heal.
17. Jeremiah 31:34: All must go to God over the ways of healing and teaching through sorcery and
sorcerers. Heal using spirit. Work with angels and good people, and good animals at times when
needing to heal.
18. Titus 3:5: All have the power through spirit to rejuvenate themselves.
19. Galatians 5:15: Do not devour from the spirit and minds of people, or God could devour you.
20. 2Timothy 2:16: Do connect in the minds for Godless chatter.
21. James 2:4-6/Matthew 15:11: Do not judge the evil thoughts of people. God allows people to have evil thoughts and not be impure.
22. 1John 2:16: Do not practice in sorcery molest/rape connections.
23. Zephaniah 1:12: Do not look to connect to minds and spirits of sorcerers for evil.
24. Isaiah 47:11-15: Do not heal through the sorcery way or ways of healing with evil, this could lead the healer to calamity, only God's word is the way. Heal with angels and good people.
25. Mark chapter 16/Matthew 19:26/Jon 14:12: We have the power to heal sorcerers, and cast out sorcery and demons, and do miracles in reality.
26. Isaiah 8:19: Call to God over the networking-sorcerer. Heal as angels and good. Call to angels, good animals and good people when needing healing or saving from attacks from sorcerers.
27. 1Corinthians chapter 8: You are sinning to listen to thoughts of people.
28. Matthew 15:11: God allows people to think impure and not be impure. Do not say man or women is evil for having evil thoughts. You should not be listening to their thoughts.
29. Hebrew 13:6/Romans 16:20/Luke 10:19: The people living in the word of God have the power over Satan and sorcery. We must train to be this way.
30. 2Corinthians 2:10/Ezekiel 18:21-22/Hosea 2:23: Sorcerers and all evil is forgiven, with God loving the unloved one, and the unloved ones people.
31. John 14:12/Matthew 19:26: God's people do have the power of their mind/spiritual powers to create fun and happiness. God’s people have the power to heal using the powers of their mind. God’s people do have the power to do miracles, and the power to do the impossible using the powers of their mind.
32. Revelation 19:-19-21 & 21:1-7: It is the people's job to end evil with healing and restoration, healing the world till there is no evil in the world.
A main goal is to bring people out of living in this sorcery. Religions teach that the word of God can rescue people and give people the power over all evil including Satan (Romans 16:20). The Bible teaches that if God were to come today, all people living in this sorcery way would be taken from the world, including their family members living in the sorcery way, so the fear of hell can help end sorcery and end evil (Isaiah47:9-15/Nahum 3:3-4)...
For this sorcery attacking, it is best to bring governing laws into living in the world. We cannot suppress the truth, but bring this truth into light, to further bring strength into the world for the good. In the world of spirit, and when facing demons and sorcery, God will be the cure for saving souls for all (John 12:40), with people healing the sorcerers (Mark chapter 16). Bring laws to stop evil witches and evil sorcerers... All major religions does forgive the sorcerers, the sorcerers must change, and live full lives with God (John 10:10).
See more on "The Sorcery War" on the YouTube channel: The Devil Is Forgiven
"Different Sorcery and Demon Attacks:
Cancer, Heart Attacks and more. Healing."
Written by Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr.
These are not all the ways sorcerers and demons will attack, this just shows some examples of sorcerers and demons attacks. This does not teach all the ways to heal, it just gives examples… Sorcerers are people who use the power of their mind to attack the world, and demons are spirits, their own energy being ghost-like with a mind that attacks the world. Demons can also be man-made, like a computer program, or like a robot that can think on their own, but are a spirit-like being.
Sorcerers can attack from their house using telepathy to where the person they are attacking is, in their reality, which could be anywhere in the world, and angels and good people can do the same. The sorcerers attack by using their mind/imagination to think of an attack, then they project the attack from their mind through their eyes or mind (I say “eyes or mind” because some people fight with their eyes closed in ‘The Sorcery War’) into reality, and they can do these attacks from their house to anywhere in the world when they have been taught how to do this. Good people can also do the same: think of something to heal someone in their mind/imagination, then project it through their eyes or mind into the world from their house to anywhere in the world.
The sorcerers and demons will attack while being invisible. It is important to make sure people are not under attack by invisible sorcerers or demons by checking the area around the people you are trying to save as a giant (projecting yourself as a giant from your mind into reality) to make sure that the area does not have any invisible sorcerers or demons inside of it by putting worlds created in your mind/imagination then projected from your mind through your eyes or mind around the area around the people you are checking, to see if there are any invisible sorcerers or demons by the people that will usually appear within the worlds you created. You can also do that to see if there are any invisible sorcerers or demons around yourself: build worlds projected from your mind around the area you are in, and see if any sorcery, sorcerers or demons appears in the world you have built. Also know that the sorcerers and demons will hide by a person as big as buildings, and bigger than towns and cities, beneath a person and underground, or as small as a coin and smaller. The sorcerers or demons will place a person inside of worlds created from their mind to attack, likewise angels and good people can do the same to the sorcerers and demons, and angel’s and good people can heal the sorcerers and make demons disappear (Mark chapter 16). It is important to make the energy of the demons and sorcery disappear by using ideas created from your mind and projected into reality from your eyes or mind to break the molecules of the demons or sorcery down till the demons or sorcery have disappeared to end the demons and sorcery permanently. You can push or pull the sorcerers and demons away from every attack they are doing using what you created from your mind and projecting it into reality.
Healing Ideas: Using the powers of your mind to put heal world’s around towns, cities, and countries, healing the sorcerers and demons, as a giant around the sorcerers or demons projecting the heal world from your mind through your eyes or mind. A person can heal all the evil in a town or city by placing a heal world around the town or city. The idea is to have the heal world that is around the town, city or country be good energy molding the sorcerers to not being evil, and make the energy of the demon disappear. There are many ideas that can save someone or yourself from sorcerers or demons attacks, we must think of what can the mind create to save someone or yourself, then project the idea into reality to save someone or yourself. What the mind can create to save someone or yourself, is a way to save someone or yourself when you perfect the way to save someone or yourself.
Entrapping: As a giant use powers of the mind and imagination and projecting from your imagination through your eyes or mind build a world to entrap the sorcerers or demons. Entrapping is as easy as picturing someone in a world you created with your imagination, which is an actual way to entrap: picturing someone in a world, using your mind to put a world around sorcerers or demons. The sorcerers can attack from their house to where the person they are attacking is, so you will be entrapping them where they are in their reality, entrapping them in a world that weighs more than the sorcerers or demons and the energy that they are attacking with. When I say, “weighs more”, I am saying if the sorcery around a person is as strong a piece of paper, the weight of the energy of the world you have created to save someone could be as hard as a piece of steel so that the sorcerers or demons can’t break free from the world, then go straight to controlling their mind and body with energy that weighs more than the thoughts, senses and body of the sorcerers or demons by sizing up and measuring their body, senses and thoughts and making the weight of your energy over them, and give the sorcerers thoughts to heal them, while shrinking (shrinking is done by putting a world of pressure around the sorcerers or demon’s energy and using the pressure and imagination to shrink the sorcerers or demons so that that the good person is a giant around the sorcerers or demons reality) the sorcerers or demons and pulling or pushing the energy of the sorcerers or demons away from what they are attacking, and making the sorcery or demons disappear, and doing it all in one move: so after you have trained you will be doing 6 moves in one move when trying to save someone the sorcerers or demons are attacking: giant, entrapping the sorcerers/demons, taking over the mind and body of the sorcerers with healing, while shrinking the sorcerers or demons and taking the sorcerers/demons away from what they are attacking, an making the sorcery or demons disappear. You can also do more than 6 moves at one time, by guarding the person who was under attack by the sorcerers or demons: this will allow you to be in three worlds at one time: the reality you are in, the world where the sorcerers or demons are, and the world where the victim is. Once trained you could be in many worlds at one time and doing many moves at one time. Train, learn and practice by yourself, and train, learn and practice with people is important. Work with the army of good people to end evil and save the world.
In the beginning you can do these moves in steps starting with the first move to do, then do the next move in the next step, then do the next move in the next step after that, etc. for example: step 1: do the world around the sorcerers or demons, then the next move to do: step 2: go to controlling the mind and body of the sorcerers or demons, then step 3: pushing or pulling the sorcerers or demons from who or what they are attacking, step: 4 shrinking the sorcerers or demons, or making the demons disappear. When you get trained to do all the steps fast enough, you will be able to do all the steps in one move.
It is important to know how to create tools from your imagination or mind. One example of a tool created from the mind is a vacuum, to suck apart the demon energy to make it disappear by using sight (sight: imagination/mind thoughts projected into reality). A vacuum can be easily created from the mind then projected from the mind/imagination into the sorcery war by just picturing a vacuum from your mind and putting it in a move to save someone with it: sucking away the evil energy. A person can make a demon disappear by breaking down the molecules of the demon for just one way to make the demons disappear. A person can use a blender created from the mind, then entrap the demons in the blender to break the energy of the demon apart till you have made the demon disappear to end the demon permanently, you can also use a blender created from the mind the to make sorcery disappear the same way you made demons disappear. You can also make the energy of the demon good before making the demon disappear, but its most important to make the demons disappear to end the demon permanently. A person can take control of a demon by creating energy from the mind that weighs more than the demon, then entrap the demon in a world with that energy and move the energy you have created from your mind with the demon within the world you have created till you have control of the demon, like waves in the ocean pushing a boat without sails or engine around till the water has control of where the boat is going… It is most important to make the demon disappear to end the demon permanently.
It is important to make the sorcerers or evil people feel sad for what they have done. Many people will feel sad for becoming a rapist or evil. It was not many childhood year’s thoughts to become an evil person or an evil sorcerer. It is important to make the sorcerers and evil people happy to being away from evil, and happy to not being evil. When trying to control the sorcerer’s thoughts you must put your energies weight that you created from your mind over the senses, body and the thoughts of the sorcerers or evil people, then feed their mind the thoughts you want the evil to think. We must heal the sorcerers and evil people using energy created from our mind, and save them to where they are living in God's word, and all are living life in full like God teaches (John 10:10). Make the sorcerers and evil people feel happy to be away from evil, give energy to the sorcerers and evil people to build them up away from evil (Revelation chapter 21). There are many ways to heal a sorcerer or evil person: how many ways you can of to heal a sorcerer or evil person is how many ways you can heal a sorcerer or evil person. It is important to teach people and guide people to heal the sorcerers and heal evil people.
Its important to know how to flush sorcerers, demons and people as a giant for healing. Flushing can be used for many things. Flushing is where you create energy created from your mind, then run that energy through a body for healing, or flush the energy through and around a demon to make a demon disappear. You can also flush through the world around a victim, through the sorcery the sorcerer is attacking with to make the sorcery disappear… Flush what’s making someone be evil out of the body and out from around the body of someone trying to be evil. People under attack by evil can also have their bodies flushed through with good energy to clean any sorcery or demons out of a body. Flushing is as simple as picturing someone in a swimming pool, then imagining the water in the pool going through the body of a person which is an actual way to flush, created from the mind then pictured it in reality and doing.
It is important to know that even Satan preaches against sorcery in his scripture. It steals freedom and peace of people. Satan also taught in his scripture that at the end times even Satan will bow down to the lord of heaven, the father of Christ for his salvation.
Heart Attacks: Sorcerers and demons in public are bringing people heart attacks. The sorcerers attack by coming into the persons area from where they are attacking from: where they are in the victims reality but attacking from a different place from where the sorcerer is, usually done by being invisible (where the sorcerers are invisible in the persons reality that they are attacking). The demons will attack by just coming into the person’s reality that they are attacking and give them a heart attack. The sorcerers and demons will work with other sorcerers and demons to give heart attacks. The sorcerers or demons will place a person inside of worlds created from their mind to have the people entrapped in a form of heart attack. The sorcerers and demons will create tools to attack hearts. Many people have felt heart burns and chest pains, these are often done by sorcerers or demons that are invisible in your reality. The normal angel spirit or good person can usually beat the attacks of evil when they have been taught to beat the attacks (Hebrew 13:6 / Romans 16:20).
Healing Ideas: As a giant make sure the area around the person you are trying to save or yourself does not have invisible sorcerers or demons inside of it. Entrap the sorcerers or demons attacking in a world created from your mind, then go straight to healing the mind, senses and body of the sorcerers or try to make the demons energy disappear while shrinking, pushing or pulling the sorcerers or demons away from their attack. So you will be doing 5 moves: giant, entrapping, taking control of the mind and of the sorcerers or demons, shrinking and pulling or pushing the sorcerers or demons away from the person they are attacking and making the sorcery and demons disappear.
Another move is as a giant flush the world the victim is in to make the sorcery or demon disappear to get the sorcery away. As a giant flush the being out of the attack by putting good energy through the bodies of the sorcerers for healing and flushing the world where the victim is under attack for making the sorcery or demons disappear, and flushing the people they are attacking to flush away sorcery or demons that might be in the body… Vacuums, lasers, fire and lightening bolts are ideas created from the imagination someone could use to take the sorcery away or make demons disappear, or bring healing to the sorcerers. When thinking of a way to heal, we must think of what can the mind create to save someone, then project what the mind created from your mind through your eyes or mind into reality. There are many ways to save someone, what someone can create from their mind to save someone, is a way to save someone. Remember to teach others how to save people from sorcerers, demons and evil people. Guide people to have control of sorcerers, demons, and evil people, so that they are healed to where the world is healed and all are living in a world without evil, free in God’s word. Teach other people to teach what you have taught them to others, and so on. Learn with each-other, and work with the army of good people to save the world.
Cancers and Sicknesses: Sorcerers and demons from public are bringing people cancers
and sicknesses. The sorcerers and demons will put someone in a world created by the sorcerers or demons for sicknesses and cancers. Sorcerers or demons will create an energy with their mind then the sorcerers or demons will use that energy to bring cancers and sicknesses to the inside of a body, while sucking energy out of the victim. There are many ways the sorcerers or demons will bring cancers and sickness: how many ways can you think of is how many ways you can bring sickness to sorcerers. All cancers and sicknesses will be created from evil.
Healing Ideas: As a giant entrap the sorcerers and demons attacking with a world around the sorcerers or demons and their energy and going straight to controlling the mind and body of the sorcerers or demons, at the same time, shrinking and taking the sorcerers or demons away from the person they are attacking, and making the sorcery and demons disappear. Then when you got the sorcerers or demons energy away from the person they are attacking, use sight (mind/imagination) to make the sickness energy disappear from the person under attack. Push, pull, suck, flush the evil energy to make the sorcery or demon’s energy disappear to cleanse the energy of evil away from the victim. Flush the sickness out from inside of the body of the victim. How many ideas can you think of to heal sicknesses is how many ways you can heal sicknesses, and how many ways you can teach people to heal.
One idea is to bring the level of happiness of the person under attack above the weight of the cancer or sickness to where the weight of their happiness weighs more than the cancer or sickness. Bring the level of happiness of the person who is sick, to where the happiness of the person breaks down the sickness energy till it has disappeared. It is important to bring the weight of a person’s thoughts, body and spirit to a happiness that weighs more than the sickness. You can create an energy that can attack the cancer or sickness to make the cancer or sickness disappear. Heal all of the evil energy around the person who is sick, and keep the heal world around a person who is sick so that the sickness energy breaks apart and disappears from the weight of the energy of the heal world, and keep the heal world around the victim with the energy of happiness.
Someone could build a heal-word around a hospital to help bring healing to people, but they would also have to take away all the sorcerers and demons attacking the people in hospital. It would be best to have an army of good people working together as giants, etc., working to bring cures to entire hospitals, and that can help guard each-other from sorcerers or demons. Teach other people ways to win, and have the ones you taught teach others, and so on. Learn with each-other, and end evil and save the world with each-other.
Taking Over Minds/Possession: The sorcerers and demons in public are training and many are trained to take over the minds of people, and walk with the flowing way of the person’s normal life for possession, in times without the person even knowing they are possessed, because the sorcerers or demons have become one with the person’s senses, thoughts and body (Matthew 15:11).
Sorcerers and demons will use the word “I” in many of their attacks to control someone, and also give people who are under attack the feelings of “I”, like “I am tired” will be an example of an attack, with thoughts of being tired and the feelings of being tired from what the sorcerers or demons are giving the person, but making the person under attack think that they have thought the thought like they are thinking it, or that the feelings of being tired are from them when it is the possession thinking the thought and giving the feelings to the person. “I don’t want to exercise,” will be another example of thoughts and feelings being fed to people that someone might think. The evil will feed someone the thoughts and feelings of “I want to eat” to make it seem like the person is thinking it by using the word “I”, but it is the sorcerers or demons possession giving the person that thought and feelings of wanting to eat. Sorcerers and demons have helped many people gain weight with those types of thoughts. “I don’t want to go to work,” is an example of thoughts the sorcerers and demons will feed with the feelings of not wanting to go to work to make it seem like the person is thinking and feeling it, when it is the possession in an attack to have someone fired from their work because they did not show up to work because of the thoughts and feelings being fed to the person by the sorcerers or demons.
The sorcerers and demons will try to think every thought and feeling that the person thinks or feels throughout the day of the person, often without the person knowing it is the sorcerers or demons feeding people their thoughts and feelings. The sorcerers and demons will try to control every thought and feeling of a person to where someone is only feeling, thinking, hearing, smelling, tasting and seeing what the sorcerers or demons want them to feel, think, hear, smell, taste or see for a full possession. The sorcerers and demons will do things from trying to make people get plastic surgery or tattoos, to trying to make someone evil and more. Sorcerer’s and demon’s will also try to make addictions within people. Addiction will be fed to someone by sorcerers or demons giving the victim thoughts and feelings of “I need” for what the sorcerers or demons are trying to make the victim addicted to.
Healing Ideas: As a giant try to find the invisible sorcerers and demons (if you can’t see the sorcerers or demons) around and one with the person they are attacking. Take the sorcerers and demons away from the person they are attacking. Take over the mind of the sorcerers: connecting to the senses, body and mind of the sorcerers, with a world around the sorcerers to heal the sorcerers. If you are fighting a demon, make the demon disappear. Flush good energy through the demon to make the demon disappear. Flush good energy through the world and body of the person under attack to cleanse the evil possession away from within the person. How many ways you can heal someone away from their possession, is how many ways you can heal someone, and how many ways you can teach people, and how many ways other people can teach others what you have taught them, and so on. Learn with each-other, work with the army of good to end evil and save the world.
Relationships: Sorcerers and demons will attack relationships and put worlds around the people in relationships. Sorcerers and demons will give thoughts and feelings of not loving the person someone is in a relationship with. Sorcerers and demons will give the feelings to a body and mind of not liking the person someone is with, then give the thought: “I don’t know if I like that person anymore”, using “I” to make it seem like the person is thinking it themselves, when it is evil feeding those thoughts and feelings trying to break up a relationship. Sorcerers and demons will give many emotions that will be invisible, and to the point of someone thinking that they are thinking and feeling the emotions from their mind and body, when it is the sorcerers and demons attacking giving them those thoughts and feelings. The sorcerers and demons will try to possess relationships into breaking and fighting without the relationship knowing that it is sorcerer’s and demon’s attacks to have their relationship fight. There are many attacks sorcerers and demons will do to relationship to end a relationship.
The sorcerers and demons will do attacks to parents and children, and likewise friends to stop the relationship, or just to attack the relationship. As many ways that the sorcerers or demons can think of to attack a relationship, is as many ways they can attack.
Healing Ideas: Its important to be the giant around sorcerers and demons. Wife’s and husband’s relationships can learn to guard each other, and check the area around and within each other to see if there are any invisible sorcerers or demons attacking. Cleanse the sorcery or demons around and from within the body of the people in the relationship under attack. Bring the sorcerers healing and happiness to being away from being a sorcerer. Relationships can also use spiritual powers to bring the person they are in a relationship with feelings of happiness and laughter. A person can heal away the evil by using spiritual powers to make someone laugh and happy.
It is important to know what demons and sorcerers do so people can understand why some are going through what they are going through, and we must make sure that the people under attack know why they are going through what they are going through. We also must teach them ways to win, and have them teach other people knowledge and ways to win. Learn and end evil with each-other, and save the world.
Homosexuality: Homosexuality is brought to people where sorcerers and demons in public bring people the thoughts and feelings to senses, body and mind to like the same sex, usually done with a world around the victim, becoming one with the person, possessing them (Matthew 15:11) to make them a homosexual, most times not knowing it is sorcerers or demons giving them these thoughts and feelings of homosexuality, and the sorcerers and demons will do these attacks to children also. When a person looks at the same sex the sorcerers or demons will feed the thoughts and feelings, of “I like that person” or “they are beautiful” (in a sexual way) to make someone a homosexual for just one attack. Sorcerers and demons will give a male the thoughts and feelings of wanting to be a female to make transgenders, and do the same to female giving them thoughts and feelings of wanting to be a male. Sorcerers and demons will give a male the thoughts and feelings of being a female, then give the thought to the male of “maybe I am a girl” or “maybe I should get a sex change”, and do the same with females to make a male, to make it seem like the victim is thinking it, but in truth it is the possession. Evil feeds thoughts and feelings to people (Matthew 15:11).
Healing idea: Entrap the sorcerers and demons attacking and take the sorcery or demons away from who they are attacking, while going straight to controlling the mind and body of the sorcerers or demons, heal and shrink the sorcerers, or make the demons disappear. Build a world around the person under attack by homosexuality to help stop the attacks from sorcerers and demons. Take the possession away of the homosexual wanting the same sex. Flush energy through the world and body of the person under attack to cleanse the evil possession away from within and around the person. Bring thoughts and feelings from your mind to the homosexual's senses, mind and body to bring a person out of homosexuality. Give homosexuals the thoughts and feelings for liking the opposite sex, and give them thoughts and feelings of them wanting the opposite sex, and the feelings and thoughts of them not wanting the same sex. Feed the person the thoughts and feelings of happiness to not be a homosexual and give the person the thoughts and feelings of happiness to like the opposite sex. Give the person under transgender attacks the thoughts and feelings of not wanting to be a transgender, and give them the thoughts and feelings of happiness of not being a transgender… Remember, the natural law of earth is man and women were born man and women, and man and women are supposed to be lovers, God’s laws will be the same… Countries need to have laws to heal the homosexuals.
Every homosexual or transgender has been possessed into being a homosexual or transgender, because God’s and earth laws without evil in the world is man is suppose to be with women, so that is how the laws of earth and God lets thing be, then evil comes in and possesses to create homosexuality, transgenders, and bi-sexuals: they were possessed by evil to make them that way usually without them even knowing they were possessed (Matthew 15:11). Teach the person under attack by homosexuality or transgender, that it is just attacks from evil for the reason why they are going through what they are going through. Teach people to teach others why others are going through what they are going through. Teach and learn with each-other for how to heal evil's attacks, and teach the ones you taught to teach others, and so on, till there is no evil in the world.
Criminals and evil people: Sorcerers and demons in public will try to make criminals and evil people by possession: evil becoming one with someone to control them. People will be fed the thoughts and feelings of “I want to steal” or “I want to rape” (Matthew 15:11), which are thoughts given to people to make the victim think that they are thinking it. People will be possessed to the point of actually stealing something, or raping someone, or more, to where they think they are doing the crime, but in reality it is how the person is possessed. Sorcerers and demons will put people in a world where they think and feel crime or being evil is the only way, because that is what the possession from the sorcerers or demons is allowing them to see. If there was no evil in earth, there would be no thoughts or feelings being given to people to be evil (Matthew 15:11). If someone has chosen evil, or has done evil crimes, then they were or are possessed, because God will not bring evil to the mind, but evil will bring thoughts to be evil to minds (Matthew 15:11). Evil possession will try to create many different types of evil and evil criminals. Evil possession will try to feed the feelings and thoughts of there being ‘no God’, to create atheism.
Healing idea: Take the evil away from the person that is under attack. Entrap, heal and shrink the sorcerers attacking, or make the demons attacking disappear. Clean the area around the victim from any sorcerers or demons, and clean the sorcerers or demons from being one with the victim. Create energy from your mind to send to the person under attack by sorcerers and demons to make the person happy to be away from evil, and bring thoughts and feelings of happiness for being good. Give the victim the thoughts and feelings of not wanting to be a criminal or evil, and thoughts and feelings of happiness to being away from evil. Teach the victim of a good life they can live, and teach the person that it is just an attack from evil to make them evil is why they are going through what they are going through, because evil is trying to corrupt them into being evil or an evil criminal. If people need meaning for life, teach them that ending evil, and healing people is meaning for life. Teach and learn from others the ways to heal so that we can teach others and so on, till the world is without evil, and saved.
Posing as God, angels, ghosts or spirits: The sorcerers and demons will pose as God, or pose as angels (2Corinthians 11:14-15). If someone has sinned, the sorcerer and demons will try to pose as the voice of God and say, “I do not want you, you have sinned”, to make it seem like God does not want them so that they stay evil. The sorcerers and demons will try to say that someone is a demon or evil, because they have sinned, and try to make it seem like the angel’s or God is calling them evil, and then the sorcerers and demons will give someone the feelings and thoughts of being evil to try to make it seem like they are a demon or evil because God or the angels is telling them that to help create an evil doer. But God teaches that if you are not dead, then God does want you. God does call to all the sinners of the world, so that God can forgive and save the former sinners, blotting away their sins from the timeline of earth (Isaiah 43:25 / Isaiah 44:22), purifying them from their sins (Hebrew 1:3), so that they will have no sin. Sorcerers and demons will pose as God and angels, and come in vision to someone and say that God does not want them. There are many ways that sorcerers and demons will try to pose as God or angels, as many ways that you can think of, is as many ways the sorcerers and demons will pose as God or angels.
Healing Ideas: Take the sorcery and demons away, shrink and heal the sorcerers, or make the demons disappear. Teach someone going through these attacks, that God does want them or they would not be here. If they are former sinners, teach them that they can be saved, with their sins taken off the timeline of earth (Isaiah 43:25 / Isaiah 44:22), so they will have no sins. Teach them also why they are going through these attacks and thoughts, and teach them where these thoughts and attacks are coming from. Cleanse the possession away from the victim.
Sorcerers and demons will attack people and pose as ghost or spirits to haunt someone. Sorcerers will project from their mind things that look like ghost or spirits and haunt someone with the ghost or spirit they have created from their mind. Sorcerers can do many attacks with the ghost or spirit they have created from their mind. Sorcerers and demons might appear as human-like ghost or monster-like ghost and attack people.
When fighting ghost or spirits you will have to put a world that weighs more than the ghost or spirit around the ghost or spirit just like you would fighting a demon . You can make the ghost or spirit disappear the same way as making sorcery and demons disappear. People also need look to where the ghost or spirit is coming from to see if it is from sorcerers, or if it is from demons. Take the sorcery and demons away, and spiritual flush the victim to cleanse any evil away, and teach other people to do the same, and have them teach other people what they have been taught, and so on. Heal with the army of good people to end evil and save the world
Mental Illness and Disabilities: Sorcerers and demons in public will put a sorcery world around people and attack and bring people mental illnesses, mental disabilities and deformities through possession. What the sorcerers and demons mind can create is what they will use to attack to bring mental illness and disabilities, and good people can do the same to heal mental illness and disabilities. Some sorcerers and demons will start their attack to babies while they are in the womb to create deformities, molding the baby the way they want it, one example of molding would be a cast made from the mind and put on the victim to form a body the way the sorcerers or demons wants to form the baby who isn’t born but in the womb for deformities. Good people can take off an evil cast, and create a cast from their mind and put it on the body of a victim to help fix the deformity, and also send energy to the deformity to help stimulate the deformity to grow the right way.
Some mental illnesses the person is possessed to the point of not knowing reality because of the possession the sorcerers or demons are putting the person through: the sorcerers and demons have put the weight of their energy created from their mind over the victims senses, body, and thought to where they are possessed away from reality. There will be many people in mental hospitals that are possessed from invisible sorcerers or demons. Mental hospitals show much truth of people with evil attacking them with all the cases where people are saying evil or demons attack them. Schizophrenia is a great example of a mental illness created by sorcerers or demons, where the demons or sorcerers have taken control of the victim, taking control of their eyes for what they see, and their mind for what they hear. Most mental illnesses, deformities and sicknesses will have been created from evil.
Healing Ideas: Put a world around the sorcerers or demons, shrink and heal the sorcerers away from the person they are attacking, or make the demons disappear. Flush good energy through a body to get the sorcery or possession out of the body of a person under attack. Flush the area around the victim with good energy to make sure there are no demons or sorcerers around. Build a heal-world around the person the sorcerers or demons were attacking and heal the mind of the person using the powers of your mind. We can put our good energies weight created from the mind over the attack from evil, and our energies weight over the mind, body and senses to help heal someone with mental disabilities. Bring the person weight of spirits, thoughts, body, and happiness above the sickness. Healing does take time.
People can build heal worlds around hospitals and mental institutions and more healing the people with mental illnesses, disabilities and deformities, and help stop the sorcerers and demons from attacking. We must think of what the mind can create to heal, and that is a way to heal someone. teach each-other what you have been taught. Work with the army of good people to end evil.
Suicide and Blackout Murders: The sorcerers and demons in public will bring people the thoughts and feelings of suicide to make a person kill themselves using a world around the person. The sorcerers and demons will become one with the person’s body, mind and senses to make them kill themselves. The sorcerers or demons will keep feeding the thoughts and feelings of what is bothering someone and sadness to keep them thinking about what is bothering them to give the break for someone to kill themselves. The sorcerers or demons will feed people the feelings and thought of, “I want to kill myself” (Matthew 15:11). The sorcerers and demons will bring a world of depression around the victim then try and make them kill themselves with thoughts and feelings of suicide fed to them, then take over their body to try and guide the person to kill themselves and use the words “I want to kill myself” to try and make them kill themselves… … To make someone kill themselves is a form of murder.
There is one form of murder will the sorcerers or demons will blackout a person’s mind, then possess their body to make a person kill themselves and make it look like a suicide. It is like when someone drinks alcohol and blackouts, the blackout is from the possession of the sorcerers or demons and they will take full possession of the body and mind and make the person kill themselves without the person knowing because the person is blacked out. The sorcerers and demons will know when someone is using drugs as a form to make it look like the person was on drugs for the reason why the victim killed themselves, but it was from the blackout. Murder-suicides can be from blackouts, and some murders can be from blackouts.
Healing Ideas: Entrap healing the sorcerers and demons, shrink and take the sorcery and demons away from the person they are attacking, and make the demons disappear. Bring the people under suicide attacks the thoughts and feelings of happiness and living created from your mind. Teach people to be happy where they are at in each moment of their life. Teach people to have fun. Teach people who need meaning for life that ending evil can bring meaning to life, and healing people can bring meaning to life. Teach people why they are going through these thoughts of suicide, and teach people what is giving them these feelings and thoughts of suicide. each-other and heal the world.
Sport Star Pain: The sorcerers and demons from public will attack sport stars from the professional stars to the non-professional stars at the parks and playgrounds playing their sport, and give them attacks to bring injuries to them. This happens often while the sport star is playing in their games. The sorcerers and demons have timed movements to be exact to attack and bring injuries to stars while playing their games as professionals to the non-professionals on the playground, to make it look like it is an injury from playing the game, but it is an injury from the sorcerers or demons. This attack could be done by the sorcerers in the stands watching the game, or from the sorcerers at their house with a sorcery world around the game as giant sorcerers looking into the game from where the sorcerers are in their reality. Demons can attack and do the same attacks.
Healing idea: Take the sorcerers or demons away from the person they are attacking, shrink and heal the sorcerers, or make the demons disappear. Guard the sports stars playing sports: giants around the games the sport stars are playing to guard the game from sorcery or demon attacks, being ready to entrap any sorcerers or demons that come to the game.
Computer and Vehicle Attacks: The sorcerers and demons from public will attack and hack into computers, cars, etc. Sorcerers and demons will attack and hack into cars, boats, and planes to crash cars, boats or planes for murder. They will build a giant world around what they are hacking into for one way the sorcerers or demons will attack, and they will try to have full control of the reality the vehicle, computer, etc. is in using the energy created from their mind to touch reality: angels and good people can also create energy from the mind to touch reality. The sorcerers and demons have taken the time to study how to hack into computers, vehicles, all electrical items, using the power of their mind to create energy that can touch reality. They will try to take over every molecule around the reality of person or people they are attacking.
Healing Ideas: Take control of the evil energy of the sorcerers or demons, or take the sorcery and demons away from what they are attacking. Be the giant world around the sorcerers and demons. Entrap, shrink and heal the sorcerers attacking, or make the demons disappear. Have full control of all in the reality you are in, all the molecules of the reality you are in or where the vehicle/computer etc. is, using powers of the mind, allowing your energy to touch reality. When saving someone you are using the same mind that can touch reality. As easy as it can be to save someone, is as easy as it is to touch reality in someone's world. Teach each-other and learn the ways, till the world has been healed.
Weather and Earthquakes: The sorcerers and demons from public will try to control weather and create earthquakes and more. The sorcerers and demons will use a giant world around the weather to try to control the weather, while trying to control all the molecules in that world where the weather is to control the weather using the power of their mind. The sorcerers and demons will also try to create weather using the power of their imagination, and projecting the weather that their mind has created from their mind into reality, and continuing to use sight to strengthen what their mind has created till their weather is as strong as reality, and their weather has become reality.
Tornados are an example of a world sorcerers or demons have created. Earthquakes and tsunamis are examples of worlds the sorcerers or demons have created, and they do these with the power of their mind creating giant world’s for weather, earthquakes, tsunami’s, etc. The sorcerers and demons will be bigger than the world of where the weather or earthquake is that they are trying to control. You must picture apart of the world shrunken as small as a key at the bottom of a swimming pool, with the key being a town and the water in the pool being the reality around the town. When sorcerers or demons makes weather or earthquakes, the sorcerers or demons will try to connect to everything like the water in the pool is touching everything around the key and the key, and like the boat without sails or engine they will keep taking over the water around the around the key until the boat is going where the water that the sorcerers or demons is forcing the boat to go, and that is one way the sorcerers or demons will try to control the weather around a town. The sorcerers and demons will try to solidify all the molecules like the water in the pool around the key, being around apart of the world. Picture a town shrunken as small as a key at the bottom of a swimming pool, with the water going around and through the town. The sorcerers and demons will try to control the water around that town for an example of a sorcerers or demons controlling the weather and creating earthquakes, because they are in control of the water around and inside of the town, but they have also built their world under the town.
Healing Ideas: Taking the evil away from what they are attacking with giant healing worlds around the sorcerers or demons till there is no evil. Put a bigger world around sorcery’s weather and earthquake for controlling the weather and earthquake, controlling all the molecules in that reality: train to control weather and earthquakes. Work with people and teach them, then teach them to teach others till the world is saved.
Healing Idea: Being a comic book character… … Have you ever read a comic book or have seen a comic book movie? Well if you have, you will see many people with many different special powers, well good people can do the same as comic book characters. It is as easy as just projecting from your mind what the imagination has created, then perfecting your move. It is like projecting lightning from your hand, or shooting lasers out of your eyes, this is done by projecting it from your imagination.
Inside of the world where spirit, body, and minds connect, where sorcery attacks take place, we can do anything within that spiritual world, from flying to walking on water and more as our character within that spiritual world. But also, in reality Jesus taught us that we can do greater things than him (John 14:12), meaning as our flesh, in our body, we can fly, walk on water, heal and more.
In the spiritual world where minds, body, and spirit connect we can be walking somewhere in reality as a spirit, or a comic book character that we created, while sitting at our home, meaning we can be in America, but walking our spirit in Europe and saving someone in Europe from an attack from evil. The opportunity is there in the spiritual world where someone can be at their house or wherever, but also be walking their spirit almost anywhere in the world.
It is important when working as a comic book character to save someone from every attack from evil, to have a comic book move for every attack evil will do. With the power of the imagination someone could have many different comic book character powers, and many different moves for every attack that sorcerers and demons will do. With the power of the imagination, we have the power to stop people from raping in reality, with the power of the imagination we have the power to stop people from stealing and robbing in reality, with the power of the imagination we have the power to stop murders and more in reality... Teach others to win, and teach the people that you taught to teach others, and so on until the world is saved.
Heal moves to heal the sorcerers and end “The Sorcery War”...
1. “Giants”. Being a giant, above and around the sorcerers. Going straight to their thoughts, feelings and senses to heal.
2. “Heal Domes” and “Heal Worlds”. Heal world’s around towns, cities, and countries, sorcerers and demons, and put heal world's around buildings to bring healing to people in public buildings and save them from evil attacks, and put heal world's around government buildings to bring healing to people in the government and save them from evil attacks; there must be no evil anywhere in the world, and by putting a world around buildings for healing we may-be able to heal the people within those buildings and save them from sorcerer's attacks, and heal the sorcerers. Putting the sorcerer in a world, and healing the sorcerer, using mind manipulation to bring feelings and thoughts to bring a sorcerer to salvation. Making the sorcerers feel sad for being evil, and making the sorcerers feel happy to being away from evil, to where all are living in full like God teaches (John 10:10). We can also put world's for healing around oceans and lands for healing the animals from evil.
3. “Spiritual Flushing”. Flushing energy through a body to cleanse the evil and sorcery out of a body. World's around the sorcerers to flush the evil away, and heal the sorcerers. Heal what’s making someone be evil out of the body, and out from around the body.
4. “Heal Instants”. Having moves to instantly heal the sorcerers.
5. “Having teams of angels and good people to work with” (Revelation 19:19).
6. “Talking and networking ways to win”. Do not be afraid, do not keep silent (Acts 18:6-9). You must know to ask for help when sorcerers fight you and you need help.
7. “Reality Walking”. Walking your spirit in reality, where you are walking as your spirit in reality, but away from your body. You can fly in the spiritual world, and in reality (Mark 9:23).
8. “Guiding people to heal the sorcerer”. Teaching the moves to heal the sorcerers.
9. “Putting in the effort to end evil” (Revelation chapters 19 & 21).
10. “Over powering the sorcery”. Guide people to have control of the sorcery and sorcerer attacking.
11. “Invincible”. Guide people to being invincible above the sorcery to where the sorcery has no affect on them, because the sorcery can not touch them (Romans 16:20 / Hebrew13:6).
12. People bringing “The Day Of The Lord”. People must bring heal days to end evil (Revelation 19 & 21).
13. Being your own comic-book character in the spiritual world with your own special powers, and knowing how to be your own comic book character as a giant with your own special ways to heal.
14. Jesus healed sorcerers/demons, and we can heal and cast out demons/sorcerers (Mark Chapter 16). It is important to heal while out in the mall, at parks, at work, and even while watching TV, and more. Angels and good people must have all power in the world, and will have all power of victory over evil (Revelation 19:19-21). It is God's people's job to end evil with healing and restoration (Revelation 19:19-21 & 21:1-7).
See more on "The Sorcery War" on the YouTube channel: The Devil Is Forgiven
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